Business Swedish and communication week

From March 14-18th the Business Swedish and communication week takes place. Tartu University is hosting Tampere University of Applied Sciences from Finland and Halmstad Högskola from Sweden for an intensive training and cooperation development in the area of cross-cultural communication, cultural similarities and advice to bear in mind in work, academic and business communication with each of the three cultures. The teacher training students from Halmstad högskola are doing their teaching practice in the international cooperation project framework, the staff of the three universities are exchanging their experiences, as well as developing further cooperation ideas. A book on the same aspects is planned to be published in the future. The project has been taking place for 9 years already, each university taking on the role in "staffett". Many thanks to Joni Sallila from Tampere University for the brilliant idea and for keeping the cooperation and project alive across so many years. We are also very grateful to the Nordic Council of Ministers Information Bureau in Estonia for supporting our cultural programme, and most indebted to Nordplus for the wonderful projects that promote understanding and encourage meetings between the Nordic countries and Estonia. Many thanks to all students, teachers and staff who participated and supported us.

Liivi 4-211

Training session at Liivi 4-211

Liivi 4-211

Training session at Liivi 4-211

Liivi 4-211

Training session at Liivi 4-211

Liivi 4-211

Training session at Liivi 4-211

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